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Come here before it gets to the normies!





Hardly any places are left that are still untouched and virgin as Pawna. Like look at the water! It's crystal clear. That's because it's not been discovered yet...... ​ Situated just 3 hours away from Mumbai and 1 hour from Pune, Pawna becomes the perfect place for a weekend relaxation or a short excursion. ​ Disconnect from your routine and Reconnect with yourself. Breathe pure air. Dip your feet into cold cold water and get refreshed. Spend the night stargazing (we were able to count till 87 stars before giving up). Live inside tents and be a part of Nature. Get cozy by the bonfire (BYOM-Bring your own Marshmallows) and have a lip-smacking barbeque dinner. ​ We will go till great lengths to make your stay with us memorable and we can earn more lol. We will take care of all your special requirements. Enjoy Responsibly.




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